
Team Descriptions

Remember that you will be able to view any of these descriptions during the activity simply by rolling your mouse over or using tab to focus on each student's name.

Reese Hill
Applies previously gained programming knowledge to complete tasks. Shows skills in areas where the rest of the team does not have them. Is often combative when own ideas are not adopted. Respects other team members' opinions. Does not follow up with team members about tasking to ensure understanding. Checks work to ensure it is generally correct. Routinely late to team meetings. Turns in acceptable, but not outstanding, work.
Robin Martin
Keeps track of deadlines and holds team members to those deadlines to ensure the project is completed in the time allotted. Identifies weaknesses in the team's developments. Frequently absent. Actively listens to others' opinions and ideas of how things should be done. Reviews all work before submitting it to the team to ensure it is of top quality. Checks work to ensure it is generally correct. Able to contribute to all assignments because of an unusually strong understanding of the required mathematical knowledge and skills. Performs more effectively than any other team member.
Taylor Miller
Always offers ideas about how to complete tasks, no matter what the task is. Consistently meets the expectations of the assignment. Shares ideas openly with fellow team members. Is often combative when own ideas are not adopted. Relies upon an excellent knowledge base that greatly assists in solving the team's problems. Uses computer skills to help solve some problems. Appropriately assigns roles to team members to get the most productivity out of everyone. Reminds team of deadlines to help encourage the completion of tasks. Ignores errors in the work and suggests that it is ok to submit as is without fixing errors.


Sat Jul 27 01:35:35 2024 / g4Z4JjhMvU5WCKv8ODH3j